In recent weeks it's been a hot topic in the media and press, creating race issues. Now I say "creating" because it's not always there. In most cases we are baited into these issues because of the emphasis on skin color. It's a narrative we fall into almost immediately when the creation of these races issues manifest. Because of these manifestations the issue is brought up at nausea. Don Lemon an analyst for CNN on the weekends created this very issue with this video clip:
What Don Lemon explains is that sagging pants is a contributor to crime in neighborhoods that are predominantly black. He actually has a list of things he believes the Black community should not do. It actually gives a history lesson about sagging pants origin. He also brings up the excessive use of the N-word. This is something I can agree with however it is in no way the contributor to negative affects, to be brutally honest there are rappers that make millions of dollars using it in music as a form of expression. Should certain narratives be weeded out like blaming every generation for the oppression of minorities and women? Of course. Should we learn to mature as a society together? Absolutely. However Don Lemon is explaining what most would call conformity. Become apart of the widely accepted societal expectations and pursue your chance (be it very slim) at becoming the "elite."
Shouldn't you be judged by the content of your character? For it is not what is wrong with society, it is what's wrong with the system? These photos:
See these two? Look at them, really take a close look. The first one saved a young girl, and the other saved a woman from a 10 year captivity and wanted no reward money in return. They do not fit the mold visually but the content of these two people's actions is a true testament to their character.
This woman below also stopped a mass shooting without a gun or weapon of any kind:
Even now you are probably thinking: Bringing this up create race issues, I would
say to you that you are overlooking the most important thing: It's not about what these people look like, it's about what they valued most in the face of danger and fear of death. Humanity....not conformity. What the hell happen to Don Lemon? He bought in.
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