Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reality Checks

Like many other Americans I also was watching the case of Trayvon Martin, and the verdict that was passed down. I don't want to get into details about the night that Trayvon Martin's life was taken to much. However, I do want to talk about a few things. The Young Turks and actually in the following video there is an image of Trayvon Martin the night of his shooting. Now while many have seen many images of Zimmerman all bloodied and trying to make a case for his self-defense claim which was held up in court by the State of Florida, it seems that we have forgotten one thing. Trayvon Martin is not here to make a case for himself. There isn't anyone to dispute Zimmerman's claims, because the one person that could is no longer with us. In the days after the verdict comparisons of other  unarmed children being shot for example a story about Marley Lion, not receiving the same amount of media coverage. Here is the Meme created by Elizabeth O'Neil according to
Also another Meme that depicts another terrible crime of an unarmed Mother of Three who was shot and killed for her tip money according to reports from The Post-Tribune:
When people ask the question what's the difference? I answer by saying, these men who shot Jacqueline Gardner and Marley Lion are real criminals who were out to do harm to people. Both instances started with the aggressors attempting to rob Marley Lion and Jacqueline Gardner, who ended up taking their lives. Video evidence in the case for Marley Lion and fingerprint matches for the three men who killed Jacqueline according to reports from the cities respective news stations.
Trayvon Martin was not doing anything other than leaving a store with some snacks. As images were framed of Martin by media and correspondents, this is the image that still to this day stuck with me:
And this is what Marley Lion looked like, this is what Jacqueline Gardner looked like. This is what many people in Chicago see with dead bodies from gun violence. So when I then ask myself what's the difference? There isn't one, reality check: we don't respect life. We say live as you see fit, however we as a society try to demonize races, creeds, and religions that we feel are inferior to our own. Real self-defense is an excuse to take life in any instance. There are many options to defense out there, yet we result to the ultimate resolver. We then validate violent, life taking actions by framing the aggressors as if you were given no other choice. We even have laws in place that set the precedent to make it excusable to take life. Cause we should be respecting the lives of Marley Lion, Jacqueline Gardener, Trayvon Martin, The Children of Sandy Hook, The people of Aurora, Virginia Tech, Columbine, and the list goes on. As we lay them to rest, the nation moves forward, but we don't check ourselves. We accept the outcomes, but we never ask the question: What can we do so this doesn't happen again? So that their aren't anymore Trayvon Martin's, Marley Lion's, and Jacqueline Gardner's of the world. I'll ask it, what are we going to do about Guns? We don't want to talk about that though. What hell happen to reality checks? Well it's pretty simple: we fear a better world. Please follow me on Twitter and like us on Facebook at Our Neighborhood Times

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